Down market? Turn up your sales volume.
Lately, I’ve seen a lot of agencies holding on their marketing and sales efforts because things are slow. And I get it. We don’t want to keep sending emails to prospects we haven’t heard back from. We hate to make calls when no one is calling us back.
We say things like, “it’s an election year,” or “it’s just a down economy.”
We make the assumptions that “everyone is holding back on projects,” and “no one is buying right now.” But here’s the problem with this line of thinking: Not selling because no one is buying is the only way to guarantee no one will buy.
If you want to be a leader in your industry, you have to be the one showing up time and time again. You have to be the one putting the case studies in front of people. You have to be the company showing how powerful branding and marketing is. Because if you’re not, someone else will be.
And when it comes time for clients to put out the RFP or launch the new campaign or update the website, they will remember the agency they consistently heard from. You want it to be you.
I’ll admit, it’s not the optimal market. And yet — in the last three months, we’ve still helped clients pitch and close big deals:
A CPG brand launching a new product.
A healthcare system moving forward with website work.
A food brand needing a marketing campaign.
And more.
There are still clients out there looking for your services.
There are still clients out there spending money.
And there are FOR SURE clients out there who, the minute this market turns, will need the exact thing you do.
The trick is to get — and stay — in front of them NOW.
If you’re looking to get in front of more (and bigger) prospective clients, let’s chat.