Scoring new business pitches: what’s working now

We’re a business that specializes in getting our clients in front of new prospects, so we do a lot more outreach than your average firm. In fact, we reach out to hundreds of prospects by email and phone every day. As a result, we have first-hand experience in what’s working to catch peoples’ attention and what isn’t. 

Here’s a few things we’ve seen recently:

Email — but make it interesting
Even though we’re all inundated with email, the right message can still cut through. We see good success with emails that have a subject line that speaks to your prospects’ needs or desires. And once opened, emails should be a relevant and engaging read. 

People don’t always “like” what they read
Posting on LinkedIn can be a big time commitment, and you may wonder whether anyone is even paying attention. But it keeps you top of mind with your audience, and those researching your company, even when no one comments or likes. According to a study by LinkedIn, 75% of B2B buyers and 84% of C-level executives use social media to research vendors and make purchasing decisions. We’ve definitely seen our clients experience a boost in trust and familiarity when they regularly post, even when their posts don’t get lots of engagement.

Prospects want proof
Showcasing your previous work is one of the most effective ways we’re seeing to prompt interest in our clients’ businesses. And if your case studies have demonstrable results, so much the better. 

Prep a unique elevator pitch
It’s getting harder and harder to reach people in real time on the phone—there’s no more calling early or late and catching someone in their office. If you’re dialing someone today, you’re leaving a voicemail. But that can be an opportunity: A succinct, interesting message that focuses on what’s most important to your prospect can be intriguing and prompt follow up action.

At Cameron, we combine those four ingredients to get a powerful effect.
We send emails that highlight case studies, and encourage clients to post their best work to LinkedIn. Then, we make direct calls to the prospects who show interest. Our efforts pay off: we drive an average of 30% more deals closed.

We work with advertising and marketing agencies, boutique consulting firms, financial service industry clients and software development companies. Our methodology works for many other industries as well, so talk to us today about your unique business needs! 


Down market? Turn up your sales volume.


Why now is a great time to sell